Reserve Ballroom / Multi-purpose Hall

Tariff Plans

PlanDescriptionRateRate Units
Day Slot (9 AM to 5 PM) - BRDay Slot (9 AM to 5 PM) rate for Multi-purpose Hall / Ballroom. For Additional Hours : Hourly charges of the concerned space (chargeable per hour). The charges there in of might be deducted from the Security Deposit Amount after the function and if more, additional payment needs to be done by the organizer.6250.00Per Hour
Full Day Slot (9 AM to 10 PM) - BRFull Day Slot (9 AM to 10 PM) rate for Multi-purpose Hall / Ballroom. For Additional Hours : 10% of the total rental charges of the concerned space (chargeable per hour). The charges there in of might be deducted from the Security Deposit Amount after the function and if more, additional payment needs to be done by the organizer.75000.00Per Day
Morning / Evening Slots (9 AM to 1 PM) / (6 PM to 10 PM) - BRMorning / Evening Slots(9 AM to 1 PM) / (6 PM to 10 PM) rate for Multi-purpose Hall / Ballroom. For Additional Hours : Hourly charges of the concerned space (chargeable per hour). The charges there in of might be deducted from the Security Deposit Amount after the function and if more, additional payment needs to be done by the organizer.7500.00Per Hour


(standard amenities available in the space)

*Additional amenities can be requested at the time of booking

Availability & Reservation

Please add one or more reservations using the calendar below.
##Fully Available
##Fully Unavailable
Partially Available

14, Mar 2025

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Fully available for booking on the selected date.

Summary Of Charges

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